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9:30am – 4:30pm

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Sara Walker
Principal Kinesiologist & Master Healer

Founder of New Vibe Energetics Sara is a Professional Specialist Kinesiologist and Master Healer. Sara specializes in the field of emotional, mental and spiritual stress and the impact it has on your ability to create your best life.

New Vibe Energetics was created to guide and facilitate clients in reaching new levels of ease – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. 

Treatments with Sara and the New Vibe Energetic Team help to fast-track those in need, towards a more balanced & conscious way of living.


“From our experience, personal connections are so important. Getting to know our clients and observing their transformations is by far the most rewarding aspect of what we do.”

– Sara & Robbie

About Our Wellness Centre

Located in the suburb of Joondalup, our tranquil healing rooms offer a comfortable, safe and peaceful space for anyone looking to rejuvenate and replenish on the level of mind body & soul.

Before your session with our experienced healers, you will be welcomed into our peaceful waiting room where you can help yourself to a light refreshment.

If Crystals are also your thing, then you’re in luck. Our Healing Rooms are located next to our sister business – Crystal Vibes Perth, giving you the chance to explore our healing crystals before or after your session.

Get To Know Our Healers


Sara Walker

Principal Kinesiologist & Master Healer

Sara is a Professional Specialist Kinesiologist and Master Healer who specialises in emotional, mental, and spiritual stress, and the impact it has on our ability to create our best life.

Robbie Walker

Mind Whisperer & NLP Master

Robbie is a highly skilled Mind Whisperer, Mastery of Life and a student of the Universe. Robbie specialises in the field of personal and spiritual transformational development.

Karen Chin

Senior Kinesiologist

Karen is NVE’s Senior Energetic Kinesiologist. She is passionate about helping fellow sensitive souls to understand, acknowledge and hone their superpowers so that they too can live a life of ease.

Rebecca O'Connor

Kinesiologist and Massage Therapist

Rebecca blends her skills as a kinesiologist with her advanced knowledge of the musculoskeletal system to help to restore vitality, ease and harmony to her clients.

Your Healing Journey Starts Here...

Online Appointments

If you are unable to attend your appointment in person or you are located outside of Perth, we do offer some treatments online.

Please contact us if you require a remove session.

Crystal Shop

Crystal Vibes Perth is our sister crystal store also located at our Joondalup location. We stock a range of beautiful crystals including tumbleds, points, pyramids, jewellery and many more crystal goodies.

Join Our Community

We welcome you to you join our online community on both Facebook and Instagram. We love connecting with our clients on a personal level, sharing our daily shenanigans and spreading joy and useful healing tips and tricks.

Words from Our Clients

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    Level 1, Suite 4D,
    1 Wise Street, Joondalup

    Mon & Tue 10 am – 4.00 pm

    Fri & Sat 10 am – 4.00 pm

    Wed & Thu Closed

    Call 0424 559 616

    Email admin@newvibe.me