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9:30am – 4:30pm

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Divine Energetics Student Practitioner Clinic


This clinic is for all practitioners who have completed Level One to help get you ready, motivated, plugged back in and have group mentoring with me throughout the 3 hours.
There is a minimal cost to cover the event and I will supply tea, coffee, biscuits as well as flower essences, essential oils and crystals.
You will be required to bring all your own manuals, charts and tools such as tuning forks and singing bowls.
STRICTLY limited spaces available as the centre can only hold so many tables. Don’t kick yourself by missing the boat and forgetting to get yourself a place.

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Divine Energetics Student Practitioner Clinic

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    Level 1, Suite 4D,
    1 Wise Street, Joondalup

    Mon & Tue 10 am – 4.00 pm

    Fri & Sat 10 am – 4.00 pm

    Wed & Thu Closed

    Call 0424 559 616

    Email admin@newvibe.me