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Home New Vibe Events - New Vibe Energetics Energy Hygiene Jan 15th 2023

Energy Hygiene Jan 15th 2023

Feeling Tired? Unsettled? Out Of Sorts? Blocked?

Energy is constantly flowing through your personal energy field, the energy of other people, places, thoughts, objects and traumas can get caught in your own energy field. Depending on the lightness or darkness of the energy, it can change the vibration of the energy around you and create blockages and interference to that flow, or if light can open up blockages and create love, light and joy.

When you have more dark energy than light, you can become stuck, heavy, unhappy and unwell. By understanding all the different types of energies that work within your energy field, you can move, clear and change that energy instantly, by following the exercise and clearings learnt in this class.

In this class facilitated by Energetic Kinesiologist & Master Healer Sara, you will learn to:

  • Understanding how your Energy Field works
  • The different type of energies and how to recognise them
  • Dispel dark/negative energies
  • Different types of spirits
  • Attract positive vibrations
  • Choose the best crystals to protect your energy field
  • Clear energy effectively
  • Create your own clearing toolkit

This class takes you beyond sageing and into awareness of how it all works and empower you to take responsibility for your own energetic health.


Jan 15 2023


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM




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