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Healing The Mind Body & Soul

New Vibe Energetics

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Welcome to Our Health & Wellness Conscious Healing Centre



Healing at the level of the mind can change your whole human experience. Mind Whispering is the first step to your awakening.



Healing at the level of the body can change your passion and excitement for the human experience and restore your energetic stability.



Feeling disconnected? Struggling with communication? Experiencing conflict, resentment or betrayal? You’re not alone. Every relationship goes through ups and downs.

Guiding You Through Your Journey Of Transformation and Positive Change

New Vibe Energetics is one of Perth’s Leading Centres of Conscious Life Coaching, Relationship Counselling, Body Whispering & Kinesiology Services.  We work with you from a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual approach to consciously guide you towards positive changes that are both realistic and achievable.

About Our Wellness Centre

Located in the suburb of Joondalup, our tranquil healing rooms offer a comfortable, safe and peaceful space for anyone looking to rejuvenate and replenish on the level of mind body & soul.

Before your session with our experienced healers, you will be welcomed into our peaceful waiting room where you can help yourself to a light refreshment.


Get To Know Our Healers


Sara Walker

Principal Kinesiologist & Master Healer

Sara is a Professional Specialist Kinesiologist and Master Healer who specialises in emotional, mental, and spiritual stress, and the impact it has on our ability to create our best life.

Robbie Walker

Spiritual Coach & Relationship Expert

Robbie is a highly skilled Spiritual Teacher, & Holistic Coach and NLP Master. He specialises in the field of personal and spiritual transformational development and relationship rescues.

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    Level 1, Suite 4D,
    1 Wise Street, Joondalup

    Mon & Tue 10 am – 4.00 pm

    Fri & Sat 10 am – 4.00 pm

    Wed & Thu Closed

    Call 0424 559 616

    Email admin@newvibe.me