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Home New Vibe Events - New Vibe Energetics Access Body Process – Half Day Class #6b

Access Body Process – Half Day Class #6b

This process is for inviting in Limitless Energy, Wealth and Possibilities. If we cannot receive, we cannot have these things. Are you ready to be the invitation for your clients to receive…..

Welcome to the Access Consciousness Body Processes ® Sara is a qualified Access Body Process 1 day class facilitator.

What is an Access Body Process?

It’s hard to put into words how powerful these processes can be. They aren’t about ‘healing’ the body. It is a contribution to the body. My knowing is that as you place your hands on a body and ask for a specific energy to come up, the molecules of the body start to shake and anything that is trapped within the cells, matching the energy of the process, starts to release and dissipate. It’s kind of like Access the Bars but for the body!

In this  half day class you will give and receive one Access Consciousness Body Process® 

For class 6b we will be learning a process that helps my clients to start receiving the energy of infinite possibilities, wealth and energy. It can be run on anyone truly wanting change.

Due to the nature of this Access Body Process, the class has a capacity of 12 participants.

NO PREREQUISITES ~ all of the Access Body Process Classes are stand alone classes. Do them all or just do one, either way you are welcome 💕



Apr 14 2024


1:30 PM - 3:30 PM




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